Стаття 17 - Заборона зловживання правами
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Справи, відібрані для оновлення Посібника із судової практики.
Lenis v. Greece (dec.), no. 47833/20
Conviction of a senior church official for an article published on his personal blog containing hate speech and incitement to violence targeting homosexuals.
Decision | Legal Summary
Zhablyanov v. Bulgaria, no. 36658/18
Removal of a Deputy Speaker of Parliament for speeches and behaviour justifying repressions of the communist regime.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Zemmour v. France, no. 63539/19
Conviction for inciting discrimination and religious hatred.
Bonnet v. France (dec.), no. 35364/19
Conviction for racial insults and calling into question crimes against humanity.
Mukhin v. Russia, no. 3642/10
Conviction for publications containing “You voted, you have the right to judge!” and “Death to Russia!”.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Wojczuk v. Poland, no. 52969/13
Allegations of mismanagement of public funds, irregularities and various flaws in the organisation of a public museum and its director.
Z.B. v. France, no. 46883/15
Criminal conviction for having dressed a three-year old child with a T-Shirt glorifying terrorism.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Kilin v. Russia, no. 10271/12
Conviction for sharing content online within a small social-media group with intent to incite violence against non-Russian ethnicities.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Аюб та інші проти Франції, №№ 77400/14 та 2 інших
Розпуск ультраправих об’єднань воєнізованого типу, які займалися пропагандою расизму й антисемітизму.
Рішення | Стислі виклади рішень