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Welcome to the ECHR Knowledge Sharing platform (ECHR-KS). Its mission is to share Convention case-law knowledge, complementing the existing information tools such as HUDOC.

The ECHR-KS is maintained by the Registry and its content does not bind the Court. This tutorial will assist your navigation on the platform.

The platform is supported by the joint project “Enhancing Subsidiarity: Support to the ECHR Knowledge-sharing and Superior Courts Dialogue” (Subsidiarity Project), which is a collaboration between the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights and the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law of the Council of Europe.

This page is the Gateway to the platform, providing case-law knowledge through a particular Article/Transversal Theme as well as through materials and links of more general case-law relevance.


Article 1 Icon

Article 2 Icon

Article 3 Icon

Article 4 Icon

Article 5 Icon

Article 6 Civil Icon

Article 6 Criminal Icon

Article 7 Icon

Article 8 Icon

Article 9 Icon

Article 10 Icon

Article 11 Icon

Article 12 Icon

Article 13 Icon

Article 14 Icon

Article 15 Icon

Article 17 Icon

Article 18 Icon

Articles 34 35 Icon

Article 46 Icon

Article 1 Protocol 1 Icon

Article 2 Protocol 1 Icon

Article 3 Protocol 1 Icon

Article 2 Protocol 4 Icon

Article 3 Protocol 4 Icon

Article 4 Protocol 4 Icon

Article 1 Protocol 7 Icon

Article 2 Protocol 7 Icon

Article 4 Protocol 7 Icon

Transversal Themes

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Developments of relevance to the case-law.

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Useful Materials

Selected case-law materials of general Convention relevance.

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Useful Links

Links to selected websites of general Convention relevance.