Case-Law Guide
Transversal Theme Updates
Cases selected for updating the Case-Law Guide.
F.B. v. Belgium, no. 47836/21
Alleged interference with the right to respect for the applicant’s private life by a decision to terminate her entitlement to support as an unaccompanied foreign minor following an age assessment.
Hasani v. Sweden, no. 35950/20
Alleged failure to protect the life of an Afghan asylum seeker, suffering from visual impairment and mental health problems, who committed suicide after the refusal of his request when living in assisted accommodation provided by the authorities.
A.B. and Y.W. v. Malta, no. 2559/23
Refusal to grant international protection to two married Chinese nationals of Uighur ethnicity and Muslim faith from Xinjiang, and the decision to remove them from Malta.
Key Themes
Annotated case-lists on a subject of relevance to this Transversal Theme.
Related Key Theme(s) from other Article / Transversal Theme pages
- Discrimination and immigration (Article 14)
- The notion of deprivation of liberty (Article 5)
Useful Materials
Selected case-law materials concerning this Transversal Theme (in English and/or French only).
Useful Links
Links to selected websites of relevance to this Transversal Theme.