Data protection

Case-Law Guide

The Case-Law Guide provides an overview of Convention case-law on this Transversal Theme.
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Transversal Theme Updates

Cases selected for updating the Case-Law Guide.

A.P. v. Armenia, no. 58737/14


Publication of applicant’s full name and address together with complete texts of judicial decisions dismissing her civil damages claim for sexual abuse.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Pietrzak and Bychawska-Siniarska and Others v. Poland, nos. 72038/17 and 25237/18


Inadequate safeguards against arbitrariness and abuse in legislation on measures for secret surveillance, retention of and access to communications data.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Borislav Tonchev v. Bulgaria, no. 40519/15


Ongoing retention of data about the applicant’s substitute administrative penalty.

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Key Themes

Annotated case-lists on a subject of relevance to this Transversal Theme.

  • [No Key Theme as yet]
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Useful Materials

Selected case-law materials concerning this Transversal Theme.

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Useful Links

Links to selected websites of relevance to this Transversal Theme.