Article 9 - Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
Case-Law Guide
The Case-Law Guide provides an overview of Convention case-law on this Article.
Article Updates
Cases selected for updating the Case-Law Guide.
Lindholm and the Estate after Leif Lindholm v. Denmark, no. 25636/22
Administration of blood transfusion to an unconscious Jehovah’s Witness in an emergency situation despite his advance medical directive refusing such measure.
Mikyas and Others v. Belgium (dec.), no. 50681/20
Pupils prohibited from wearing the Islamic veil by State school regulations in the Flemish Community.
Decision | Legal Summary
Kanatli / Türkiye, no. 18382/15
Conviction for refusing to perform military reserve service on conscientious grounds.
Key Themes
Annotated case-lists on a subject of relevance to this Article.
Useful Materials
Selected case-law materials concerning this Article
- Freedom of thought, conscience and religion (no. DH(56)14)
Useful Links
Links to selected websites of relevance to this Article.