Article 11 - Freedom of assembly and association

Case-Law Guide

The Case-Law Guide provides an overview of Convention case-law on this Article.
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Article Updates

Cases selected for updating the Case-Law Guide.

Ercan and Others v. Türkiye (dec.), nos. 50763/22 and 20 others


Disciplinary sanctions imposed on public school teachers (civil servants), for having participated in a collective action decreed by their trade union and consisting in a one-hour class (outside of the curriculum) given in their mother tongue and focused on the importance of mother tongue.

Bodson and Others v. Belgium, nos. 35834/22 and 15 others


Applicants’ criminal conviction for blocking a motorway as part of a strike.

Hellgren v. Finland, no. 52977/19


Withholding of the applicant’s wages by her employer (a State-owned company governed by private law) for two days for partial performance of work tasks in the context of a “selective strike” following a collective trade union decision.

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