
Case-Law Guide

The Case-Law Guide provides an overview of Convention case-law on this Transversal Theme.
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Transversal Theme Updates

Cases selected for updating the Case-Law Guide.

Büttner and Krebs v. Germany (dec.), no. 27547/18


Procedural defects in the planning approval procedure for an airport near the applicants’ home.

Carême v. France (dec.) [GC], no. 7189/21


Lack of sufficient action to mitigate climate change, in particular climate change induced flooding – complaint brought by a former inhabitant and mayor of the municipality of Grande-Synthe.
Decision | Legal Summary

Duarte Agostinho and Others v. Portugal and 32 Others (dec.) [GC], no. 39371/20


Current and future severe effects of climate change, which the applicants attribute to the 33 respondent States, and which they claim impacted their lives, well-being, mental health and the peaceful enjoyment of their homes.
Decision | Legal Summary

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Key Themes

Annotated case-lists on a subject of relevance to this Transversal Theme.

  • [No Key Theme as yet]
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Useful Materials

Selected case-law materials concerning this Transversal Theme.

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Useful Links

Links to selected websites of relevance to this Transversal Theme.