Case-Law Information Notes

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Information concerning translations

Unless otherwise indicated, translations into a non-official language are not produced by the Registry of the Court and the Registry does not check their accuracy or linguistic quality, nor is it responsible for their updating. These translations are published in ECHR-KS for information purposes only and the Court accepts no responsibility for their quality or content. All such translations are copyright-protected and may not be reproduced or republished electronically, in print or in any other form without prior approval by the copyright holder. Permission to this effect – or permission to translate – must be requested here. Note however that under the current cooperation framework for ensuring translations into Romanian, Turkish and Ukrainian (Subsidiarity Project) the Registry will no longer be authorising spontaneous requests for permission to translate ECHR-KS content into these languages.


Monthly compilations of Legal Summaries (CLIN) have been discontinued since 2022 and are archived below. Legal Summaries in individual cases continue to be posted on HUDOC and are also referenced on the ECHR-KS platform.