Стаття 2 Протоколу № 4 - Свобода пересування
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Справи, відібрані для оновлення Посібника із судової практики.
M.B. v. France, no. 31913/21
Administrative control and surveillance of the applicant, considered as a potential threat in connection with terrorism.
Domenjoud v. France, nos. 34749/16 and 79607/17
Preventive home-curfew order – issued under state-of-emergency legislation following terrorist attacks – against applicants suspected of participation in violent actions during an international summit on climate change.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Dedu v. Romania (dec.), no. 56397/15
Limitation of movement imposed on a senior secret service officer following a disciplinary finding based on secret regulations.
Lypovchenko and Halabudenco v. the Republic of Moldova and Russia, nos. 40926/16 and 73942/17
Interference with the freedom to return to the "Moldovan Republic of Transnistria" (MRT) on the basis of an unlawful search-and-arrest warrant issued by a de facto "MRT" court.
Memedova and Others v. North Macedonia, nos. 42429/16 and 2 others
Refusal to allow persons of Roma ethnicity to leave Respondent State’s territory.
С.Е. проти Сербії, № 61365/16
Відмова, яка тривала протягом семи років, у видачі проїзного документа визнаному сирійському біженцю через відсутність нормативних актів, які імплементують національне законодавство про надання притулку.
Рішення | Стислі виклади рішень
Пежері проти Франції, № 24203/16, 19 січня 2023
Превентивний наказ про примусове поселення у зв’язку з терористичними актами. Застосовність та суть.
Рішення | Стислі виклади рішень
Mørck Jensen v. Denmark, no. 60785/19
Ban on entering and staying, without permission, in areas in which a terrorist organisation is a party to an ongoing armed conflict.
Judgment | Legal Summary
L.B. v. Lithuania, no. 38121/20
Refusal to issue a permanent resident an alien’s passport.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Democracy and Human Rights Resource Centre and Mustafayev v. Azerbaijan, nos. 74288/14 and 64568/16
Imposition of a travel ban in connection with an alleged tax debt, without any measures taken to collect it.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Stetsov v. Ukraine, no. 5170/15
Ban on leaving the country on account of a failure to reimburse a debt.
Georgia v. Russia (II) [GC], no. 38263/08
Rights of internally displaced persons (IDPs).
Judgment | Legal Summary
Timofeyev and Postupkin v. Russia, nos. 45431/14 and 22769/15
Administrative surveillance measures imposed for six years after the sentence had been served.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Ukraine v. Russia (re Crimea) (dec.) [GC], nos. 20958/14 and 38334/18
Alleged restrictions of freedom of movement between Crimea and mainland Ukraine and restrictions targeting Crimean Tatars.
Decision | Legal Summary