Стаття 34/35 - Індивідуальні заяви та умови прийнятності

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Taganova and Others v. Georgia and Russia, nos. 18102/04 and 4 others


Article 35: complaints regarding property destroyed before the ratification of the Convention by the respondent State found to be incompatible ratione temporis; lack of access to property, over which the applicants had prima facie kept legal ownership, defined as a continuing situation falling within Court’s jurisdiction ratione temporis.

Ribár v. Slovakia, no. 56545/21


Article 35: failure to exhaust available and effective domestic remedies with respect to alleged violations stemming from statute that allows for discretion in its implementation.

M.T.S. and M.J.S. v. Portugal, no. 39848/19


Article 34: the first applicant’s locus standi to apply on behalf of her mother, the second applicant, confirmed the two Lambert criteria: (a) the risk that the direct victim would otherwise be deprived of effective protection of her rights, (b) and the absence of a conflict of interests between the victim and the applicant.

S.M. v. Italy, no. 16310/20


Article 35: applicant’s decision to lodge the application with the Court while the proceedings were still pending before the competent supervisory court was justified due to the uncertainty as to whether his case would be considered promptly in view of suspensions and delays at that court at the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eldar Hasanov v. Azerbaijan, no. 12058/21


Article 34: State’s failure to comply with initial interim measures and excessively long delays in complying with modified interim measures.

Validity Foundation on behalf of T.J. v. Hungary, no. 31970/20


Article 34: standing of a non-governmental organisation to lodge an application on behalf of a person with a severe intellectual disability who died in a State-run social care home.

Jesus Pinhal v. Portugal, nos. 48047/15 and 2276/20


Article 57: reservation made by Portugal concerning Article 4 of Protocol No. 7 invalid because the requirement of Article 57 § 2 has not been met (i.e. reservation lacks brief statement of the law concerned).

A.L. and E.J. v. France (dec.), nos. 44715/20 and 47930/21


Article 35: neither the fact that the applicants lived outside France nor the fact that they had not freely chosen to come under the respondent State’s jurisdiction exempted them from their duty to exhaust the available and presumably effective domestic remedies in France.
Decision | Legal Summary

Mamić v. Croatia (dec.), nos. 21714/22 and 2 others


Article 35: application tainted by the applicants’ manipulation, through bribes, of the domestic justice system. Abuse of the right of application.
Decision | Legal Summary

Kurkut and Others v. Türkiye, nos. 58901/19 and 6 others


Article 35: exhaustion of domestic remedies where the relevant administrative court had made a clear procedural error for which the applicant could not be reproached.

Ukraine v. Russia (re Crimea) [GC], nos. 20958/14 and 38334/18


Article 35: Court’s jurisdiction ratione temporis with respect to acts or omissions of a respondent State that has ceased to be a Contracting Party to the Convention.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Cassar v. Malta (dec.), no. 14179/21


Стаття 35: затримка більш ніж на два тижні з повторним відправленням заяви до суду після того, як стало відомо про проблему з поштовими службами.

Varyan v. Armenia, no. 48998/14


Article 35: respondent State estopped from raising plea of non-exhaustion in view of failure to raise preliminary objection in initial observations.

The J. Paul Getty Trust and Others v. Italy, no. 35271/19


Article 34: applicant trust sufficiently affected by a confiscation order despite it not being enforced yet.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Guðmundur Gunnarsson and Magnús Davíð Norðdahl v. Iceland, nos. 24159/22 and 25751/22


Article 35: exhaustion of domestic remedies on the basis of a general provision providing a judicial remedy but in the absence of domestic case-law to that effect.

Карем проти Франції (ухв.) [ВП], №7189/21


Стаття 34: відсутність достатніх заходів пом’якшення наслідків зміни клімату, статус потерпілої особи.
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Duarte Agostinho and Others v. Portugal and 32 Others (dec.) [GC], no. 39371/20


Article 35: exhaustion of domestic remedies in the context of climate change.
Decision | Legal Summary

Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland [GC], no. 53600/20


Article 34: lack of sufficient action to mitigate effects of climate change - locus standi of an association of older women concerned about the consequences of global warming and victim status of four individual women.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Бороненков проти України (ухв.), № 9987/14


Стаття 35: перше застосування критерію «без суттєвої шкоди» щодо статті 11. 

Mehmet Zeki Doğan v. Türkiye (no. 2), no. 3324/19


Article 35: application of the six-month rule to reopened criminal proceedings.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Narbutas v. Lithuania, no. 14139/21


Article 35: failure to lodge a civil claim to obtain redress for an alleged breach of the presumption of innocence by public officials’ statements. Exhaustion of domestic remedies.

Communauté genevoise d'action syndicale (CGAS) v. Switzerland [GC], no. 21881/20


Article 34 and 35 § 1: unjustified abandonment by the applicant association of an application for holding a public event in view of a Covid-19 related ban; victim status and compliance with the exhaustion requirement.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Ghazaryan and Bayramyan v. Azerbaijan, no. 33050/18


Article 34: existence of exceptional circumstances allowing applicants to lodge the application, without written authority, in the name and on behalf of their vulnerable son, with mental health issues and in detention. Locus standi.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Asgarova and Veselova v. Armenia (dec.), no. 24382/15


Article 34: lack of exceptional circumstances allowing applicants to lodge the application in the name and on behalf of their partners without written authority. Locus standi.
Decision | Legal Summary

Hasanov and Others v. Azerbaijan (dec.), nos. 2059/16 and 3 others


Article 34: victim status retained but matter resolved following the annulment of the applicants' criminal convictions, their acquittal and compensation.

Calvi and C.G. v. Italy, no. 46412/21


Стаття 34: locus standi родича діяти від імені літньої особи, яка перебуває під захистом закону.
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Blazheski v. North Macedonia (dec.), no. 38692/16


Article 35: scope of "the rights and responsibilities of a private law character" for the purpose of the applicability of Article 5 of Protocol No. 7. Compatibility ratione materiae.

Браян та інші проти Росії, №22515/14


Стаття 35: міждержавний розгляд згідно з Конвенцією ООН з морського права в арбітражному суді, який не становить «іншого міжнародного органу розслідування чи врегулювання».

Nurcan Bayraktar v. Türkiye, no. 27094/20


Article 34: applicant suffering directly from the consequences of the legal provision at stake by the mere fact that she belonged to the category of divorced women likely to remarry. Victim status.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Chennouf and Others v. France (dec.), no. 4704/19


Article 34: acknowledgment of a responsibility and ex gratia awards made to the applicants for the killing of their relative by a non-State actor. Loss of victim status.

Margari v. Greece, no. 36705/16


Article 37: examination of the case despite the applicant's lack of contact with her representative.

Sperisen v. Switzerland, no. 22060/20


Article 35: dies a quo in the context of a recusal request. Six-months.

Півкіна та інші проти Росії (ухв.), №№ 2134/23 та 6 інших


Стаття 35: межі юрисдикції Суду щодо дій або бездіяльності, які охоплюють період з дати, коли Держава-відповідач вийшла з числа Учасників Конвенції.
Ухвали | Стислі виклади рішень

FU QUAN, s.r.o. v. the Czech Republic [GC], no. 24827/14


Article 35: access to court and the requirement to exhaust domestic remedies.
JudgmentLegal Summary

Grosam v. the Czech Republic [GC], no. 19750/13


Articles 34 and 35: distinction between complaints and secondary arguments and the consequent delimiting of the Court’s ability to recharacterise a complaint.
JudgmentLegal Summary 

A.M. and Others v. Poland (dec.), nos. 4188/21 and 7 others


Article 34: in abstracto complaints without convincing evidence that applicants at real risk of being directly affected by amendments effectively banning access to legal abortion on foetal malformation grounds. Victim status.
Decision | Legal Summary

Ferrara and Others v. Italy (dec.), nos. 2394/22 and 18 others


Article 35: unjustified fragmentation of domestic enforcement proceedings, multiplying awards of legal fees to lawyer applicants and extending length of proceedings. Abuse of the right of application.
Decision | Legal Summary

Szaxon v. Hungary (dec.), no. 54421/21


Article 35: new compensatory remedy for the protractedness of civil proceedings considered effective and requiring exhaustion.
DecisionLegal Summary

Chief Rabbinate of the Jewish Community in Izmir v. Türkiye, no. 1574/12


​Article 34: locus standi of the Chief Rabbinate despite lack of legal personality.

Mamasakhlisi and Others v. Georgia and Russia, nos. 29999/04 and 41424/04


​Article 35: six months’ time-limit assessed taking into account the applicants’ vulnerability.

Croatian Radio-Television v. Croatia, no. 52132/19 and 19 others


​Article 34: locus standi of a public broadcaster.
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Kreyndlin and Others v. Russia, no. 33470/18


Article 38: expiration of domestic statutory time-limit for storage of materials not constituting a reasonable explanation for the failure to comply with the Court’s request to provide documents.

Sorbalo v. the Republic of Moldova (dec.), no. 1210/10


Article 34: annulment of a judge's dismissal and reinstatement in his post. Loss of victim status.

Ukraine and the Netherlands v. Russia (dec.) [GC], nos. 8019/16 and 2 others


Article 35: relevance of non-domestic remedies in an inter-State case for the purposes of the application of the six-month rule.
Decision | Legal Summary

Khural and Zeynalov v. Azerbaijan (no. 2), no. 383/12


Стаття 34: locus standi головного редактора, який не брав участь у судовому розгляді проти газети.

Хоппен і профспілка працівників ЕйБі Амбер Грід проти Литви, № 976/20


Стаття 34: статус потерпілої сторони для профспілки під час подання скарги на звільнення її члена.
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Герарді Мартірі проти Сан-Марино, № 35511/20


Стаття 35: правило конфіденційності, провокаційні заяви у допустимих межах та ступінь толерантності відповідно до пункту 3(а) статті 35. Зловживання правом на подання клопотання.
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Orhan v. Türkiye (dec.), no. 38358/22


Protocol No. 15: date of adoption of the final decision determines time-limit (six or four months) to lodge application before the Court.
Decision | Legal Summary

Aygün v. Belgium, no. 28336/12


Article 35: ban on burying sons abroad. Compatibility ratione materiae (Article 8 “private life" and "family").

Gaggl v. Austria, no. 63950/19


Article 34: surviving husband, albeit the victim of the crime, with legitimate interest in the circumstances in pursuing application in late wife’s stead. Locus standi.  

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