Data protection

Case-Law Guide

The Case-Law Guide provides an overview of Convention case-law on this Transversal Theme.
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Transversal Theme Updates

Cases selected for updating the Case-Law Guide.

Denysyuk and Others v. Ukraine, nos. 22790/19 and 3 others


Covert audio and video monitoring and interception of telephone communications in the context of police operations carried out during criminal proceedings against the applicants.

Casarini v. Italy (dec.), no. 25578/11


Alleged failure of the State to prevent the misuse and abuse, by the Revenue Police and by various other entities, of personal data stored in the Taxpayer Information Service database.
Decision | Legal Summary

Le Marrec v. France (dec.), no. 52319/22


Collection and use of applicant’s IP address during his log-on to the website of the Family Allowances Office, disclosing his location.
Decision | Legal Summary

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Key Themes

Annotated case-lists on a subject of relevance to this Transversal Theme.

  • [No Key Theme as yet]
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Useful Materials

Selected case-law materials concerning this Transversal Theme (in English and/or French only). 

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Useful Links

Links to selected websites of relevance to this Transversal Theme.