
Case-Law Guide

The Case-Law Guide provides an overview of Convention case-law on this Transversal Theme.
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Transversal Theme Updates

Cases selected for updating the Case-Law Guide.

al-Hawsawi v. Lithuania, no. 6383/17


Inhuman treatment and unacknowledged, incommunicado detention of a terrorist suspect during CIA extraordinary rendition operations.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Advisory opinion as to whether an individual may be denied authorisation to work as a security guard or officer on account of being close to or belonging to a religious movement [GC], no. P16-2023-001


Denial of authorisation to work as a security guard on account of being close to or belonging to a religious movement.
Advisory Opinion | Legal Summary

Internationale Humanitäre Hilfsorganisation e. V. v. Germany, no. 11214/19


Proscription of applicant association, entailing its dissolution and asset confiscation, due to considerable financial donations to charitable societies linked to the terrorist organisation Hamas.
Judgment | Legal Summary

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Key Themes

Annotated case-lists on a subject of relevance to this Transversal Theme.

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Useful Materials

Selected case-law materials concerning this Transversal Theme.

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Useful Links

Links to selected websites of relevance to this Transversal Theme.