Mass protests
Case-Law Guide
The Case-Law Guide provides an overview of Convention case-law on this Transversal Theme.
Transversal Theme Updates
Cases selected for updating the Case-Law Guide.
Fraisse and Others v. France, nos. 22525/21 and 47626/21
Death of a student as a result of the explosion of a stun grenade launched by a gendarme in the context of a law-enforcement operation during violent clashes between protesters opposed to the construction of a dam and mobile gendarmes forces.
Ishkhanyan v. Armenia, no. 5297/16
Mass arrests without individualised assessment after the dispersal of a sit-in demonstration blocking a main public road.
Bodson and Others v. Belgium, nos. 35834/22 and 15 others
Applicants’ criminal conviction for blocking a motorway as part of a strike.
Key Themes
Annotated case-lists on a subject of relevance to this Transversal Theme.
Useful Materials
Selected case-law materials concerning this Transversal Theme (in English and/or French only).
Useful Links
Links to selected websites of relevance to this Transversal Theme.