Articolul 10 - Libertatea de exprimare
Toate actualizările
Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.
Borzykh v. Ukraine (dec.), no. 11575/24
Legislative prohibition on wearing the St. George ribbon, used in former Soviet countries during events commemorating the victory in the Second World War, in public.
Kobaliya and Others v. Russia, nos. 39446/16 and 106 others
Expanded application of "foreign agents" legislation to media organisations, journalists, activists and other individuals.
Aghajanyan v. Armenia, no. 41675/12
Dismissal without notice of a senior researcher at a private chemical factory after he disclosed sensitive information concerning his employer in an interview with a journalist.
Bielau v. Austria, no. 20007/22
Suspended disciplinary fine imposed on practising doctor for making scientifically untenable statements about ineffectiveness of vaccines.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Hrachya Harutyunyan v. Armenia, no. 15028/16
Applicant ordered to pay damages after reporting alleged corrupt activities by his former colleague in private correspondence with the latter’s hierarchy.
Judgment | Legal Summary
National Youth Council of Moldova v. the Republic of Moldova, no. 15379/13
Refusal to allow applicant association to display an anti-discrimination poster on advertising billboards on the ground that its caricatures depicted Roma and disabled persons in an undignified and humiliating manner.
Lutgen împotriva Luxemburgului, nr. 36681/23
Condamnare (amendă) aplicată unui avocat pentru că a criticat un judecător într-un e-mail trimis autorităților.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Mária Somogyi împotriva Ungariei, nr. 15076/17
Aplicare a unei amenzi pentru încălcarea drepturilor referitoare la personalitate ale municipalității.
Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog Polska v. Poland, no. 10103/20
Refusal to grant the applicant NGO access to certain Constitutional Court judges’ meeting diaries.
Kirkorov v. Lithuania (dec.), no. 12174/22
Five-year entry ban on a famous Russian singer and music producer on national security and public order grounds.
Danileţ v. Romania, no. 16915/21 (pending before the GC)
Disciplinary sanction imposed on a judge for comments published on his Facebook page.
Allée împotriva Franței, nr. 20725/20
Condamnare pentru calomnie a unei angajate în urma unor acuzații de hărțuire sexuală și agresiune formulate împotriva superiorului ierarhic.
Ramadan v. France (dec.), no. 23443/23
Disclosure of the identity of the victim of an alleged rape, by the presumed perpetrator, pending criminal proceedings against him.
Bild GmbH & Co. KG împotriva Germaniei, nr. 9602/18
Ordonanță președințială prin care se dispunea unei societăți care avea un website de știri să înceteze publicarea înregistrărilor CCTV ale unei arestări efectuate de poliție și a oricăror viitoare înregistrări needitate, fără anonimizarea feței polițiștilor implicați.
Ikotity and Others v. Hungary, no. 50012/17
Opposition members of parliament fined for displaying posters during an interpellation speech by a party colleague without permission.
Eigirdas and VĮ “Demokratijos plėtros fondas” v. Lithuania, nos. 84048/17 and 84051/17
Obligation to publish decisions of the media self-regulatory body, which disciplined the applicants for breaching requirements of journalists’ and publishers’ ethics.
Radio Broadcasting Company B92 AD v. Serbia, no. 67369/16
Disproportionate civil sanctioning for a TV news broadcast and publication of an online article defaming a public official.
Manole împotriva Moldovei, nr. 26360/19
Destituire a unei judecătoare pentru că a divulgat unui jurnalist un rezumat al motivării opiniei sale divergente înainte ca textul integral al hotărârii să fie publicat.
Gaspari v. Armenia (no. 2), no. 67783/13
Criminal conviction of a civic activist for hooliganism for remarks directed at a public official during a demonstration.
Glukhin v. Russia, no. 11519/20
Conviction of a peaceful solo demonstrator to an administrative offence for failure to submit prior notification.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Hurbain v. Belgium [GC], no. 57292/16
Newspaper publisher ordered to anonymise the online archived version of a lawful article published twenty years earlier, on grounds of the “right to be forgotten”.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Margari împotriva Greciei, nr. 36705/16
Fotografii și date cu caracter personal ale unei acuzate publicate în presă la șase luni de la formularea acuzațiilor fără cunoștința și consimțământul prealabile ale acesteia.
Karaca v. Türkiye, no. 25285/15
Arrest and pre-trial detention of the applicant for the broadcasting of a television series on a channel belonging to an Islamist group, with the aim of slandering members of another Islamist group.
Fragoso Dacosta v. Spain, no. 27926/21
Disproportionate criminal sanction imposed on a trade-union representative for verbally insulting the national flag of Spain during a protest at a military base regarding unpaid wages.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Pivkina and Others v. Russia (dec.), nos. 2134/23 and 6 others
Any restrictive measure taken against an applicant in connection with his or her expressive conduct constitutes an interference with his rights.
Decision | Legal Summary
Gaponenko v. Latvia (dec.), no. 30237/18
Pre-trial detention of a political activist advocating for the rights of the Russian-speaking minority in Latvia in the context of his criminal prosecution for incitement to national and ethnic hatred.
Sanchez v. France [GC], no. 45581/15
Elected politician fined in criminal proceedings for failing to delete, from his publicly accessible Facebook “wall” used for his election campaign, Islamophobic comments by third parties.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Mestan împotriva Bulgariei, nr. 24108/15
Amendă administrativă aplicată ca urmare a interdicției legale absolute privind utilizarea de către politicieni a limbilor neoficiale în campania electorală.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Drozd v. Poland, no. 15158/19
One-year ban on entering Parliament for displaying a banner on the grounds of the Parliament during a protest.
Udovychenko v. Ukraine, no. 46396/14
Civil sanctioning of a road accident eyewitness for statement of fact made in good faith to the media.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Rogalski v. Poland, no. 5420/16
Disciplinary sanctioning of a lawyer for unethical conduct.
Halet v. Luxembourg [GC], no. 21884/18
Criminal conviction of a whistle-blower.
Judgment | Legal Summary
C8 (Canal 8) v. France, nos. 58951/18 and 1308/19
Sanctions imposed on a TV channel on account of degrading and stigmatising sequences with regard to women and homosexual persons.
Macatė împotriva Lituaniei, nr. 61435/19
Suspendarea temporară a unei cărți de basme pentru copii care prezintă relații între persoane de același sex și etichetarea acesteia ca fiind dăunătoare pentru copiii sub 14 ani.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Khural and Zeynalov v. Azerbaijan (no. 2), no. 383/12
Civil liability of newspaper and its editor-in-chief for defamation.
Axel Springer SE împotriva Germaniei, nr. 8964/18
Dreptul la replică impus unei edituri.
Zemmour v. France, no. 63539/19
Conviction for inciting discrimination and religious hatred.
Godenau v. Germany, no. 80450/17
Applicant’s inclusion on a regional internal list of teachers deemed unsuitable for appointment to public schools due to doubts as to her loyalty to the Constitution.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Ayuso Torres împotriva Spaniei, nr. 74729/17
Declarația unui profesor universitar, cadru militar, despre care organul disciplinar a constatat că a depășit limitele libertății de exprimare, dar care nu a fost sancționată ca urmare a intervenirii prescripției.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Saure v. Germany, no. 8819/16
Denial of in-person access to a journalist to Foreign Intelligence Service files.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Stancu and Others v. Romania, no. 22953/16
Journalists and editors’ conviction for defamation of a superior prosecutor and the then vice-president of the High Council of the Judiciary.
Bouton v. France, no. 22636/19
Suspended prison sentence imposed on activist for topless protest in a church. Applicability and merits.
Judgment | Legal Summary
MGN Limited împotriva Regatului Unit (dec.), nr. 72497/17
Obligație a editorului de ziare de a plăti reclamanților onorarii de succes extrem de mari.
Decizie | Rezumat juridic
Anatoliy Yeremenko v. Ukraine, no. 22287/08
Acțiune pentru calomnie formulată de judecători pentru angajarea răspunderii civile delictuale a unui ziarist pentru un articol conținând alegații de corupție judiciară. Ordonanță președințială pentru înlăturarea articolului de pe website-ul ziarului.
Rabczewska v. Poland, no. 8257/13
Criminal conviction for offending religious feelings.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Timur Sharipov v. Russia, no. 15758/13
Removal of election observer from polling station. Applicability and merits.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Gaši and Others v. Serbia, no. 24738/19
Protection of journalists and activists, who took part in protests, from threats and a media campaign against them.
Ete v. Türkiye, no. 28154/20
Conviction for propagandising for a terrorist organisation for cutting and handing out slices of cake in celebration of PKK leader’s birthday.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Kotlyar v. Russia, nos. 38825/16 and 2 others
Applicability: criminal liability for deliberate false registration of immigrants at applicant’s property in protest against residence registration system for migrants.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Drousiotis v. Cyprus, no. 42315/15
Amount of damages awarded in defamation action against journalist for article on high-ranking attorney.
Judgment | Legal Summary