Articolul 8 - Dreptul la respectarea vieții private și de familie
Ghid privind jurisprudența
Actualizări de articole
Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea Ghidului privind jurisprudența.
Lindholm and the Estate after Leif Lindholm v. Denmark, no. 25636/22
Administration of blood transfusion to an unconscious Jehovah’s Witness in an emergency situation despite his advance medical directive refusing such measure.
Trapitsyna and Isaeva v. Hungary, no. 5488/22
Procedural safeguards in the context of revocation of immigration and settlement permits of a mother and her daughter, following the decision to expel the former on national security grounds.
Abo v. Estonia (dec.), no. 29295/22
Inadmissibility of complaint concerning refusal to recognise the applicant as an Estonian citizen because her grandmother (an “optant”) did not settle in Estonia to validate her citizenship as stipulated by the Tartu Peace Treaty of 1920.
Liste de cauze adnotate pe un subiect relevant pentru acest articol.
Temă(e)-cheie conexă(e) din alte pagini de articole / teme transversale
- Contact rights (Rights of the child)
- Protection of the judiciary (Article 6 Civil)
- Health and immigration (Immigration)
- Surveillance measures (Terrorism)
- Detention of migrant children (Immigration)
Materiale utile
Selecție de materiale de jurisprudență privind acest articol.
- Right to respect for private and family life (no. CDH(67)5)
- Right to respect for private and family life (no. DH(56)12)
Linkuri utile
Selecție de site-uri web privind jurisprudența Curții.