Articolul 8 - Dreptul la respectarea vieții private și de familie
Toate actualizările
Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.
M.Ș.D. v. Romania, no. 28935/21
Authorities’ inadequate response to the applicant’s complaint about alleged acts of online harassment committed by her former partner.
Lindholm and the Estate after Leif Lindholm v. Denmark, no. 25636/22
Administration of blood transfusion to an unconscious Jehovah’s Witness in an emergency situation despite his advance medical directive refusing such measure.
Trapitsyna and Isaeva v. Hungary, no. 5488/22
Procedural safeguards in the context of revocation of immigration and settlement permits of a mother and her daughter, following the decision to expel the former on national security grounds.
Abo v. Estonia (dec.), no. 29295/22
Inadmissibility of complaint concerning refusal to recognise the applicant as an Estonian citizen because her grandmother (an “optant”) did not settle in Estonia to validate her citizenship as stipulated by the Tartu Peace Treaty of 1920.
Pindo Mulla v. Spain [GC], no. 15541/20
Procedural safeguards in the context of medical treatment through blood transfusions administered to a Jehovah’s Witness during emergency surgery, despite her expressed refusal to undergo blood transfusion of any kind.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Paterson v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 23570/22
Alleged damage to member of parliament’s reputation due to public investigation and finding of a breach of Code of Conduct.
Pasquinelli and Others v. San Marino, no. 24622/22
Employment-related measures imposed on health care and social health workers for refusing to get vaccinated against Covid-19.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Ahmed v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 28540/20
Disciplinary sanctions (expulsion from the House of Lords) imposed on the applicant, a politician, for sexual misconduct.
M. A. și alții împotriva Franței, nr. 63664/19 și alte 4
Incriminare a cumpărării de acte sexuale despre care se presupune că reprezintă o ingerință în viața privată a persoanelor care practică prostituția.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Dániel Karsai v. Hungary, no. 32312/23
Impossibility for terminally ill patient, suffering from uncurable progressive neurodegenerative disease, to avail himself to physician-assisted dying.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Contrada v. Italy (no. 4), no. 2507/19
Search and seizure at the applicant’s home and the interception of his communications for the purposes of criminal proceedings not concerning him.
Dian v. Denmark (dec.), no. 44002/22
Conviction to twenty days’ imprisonment for begging in a pedestrian street.
Decision | Legal Summary
Oleg Balan v. the Republic of Moldova, no. 25259/20
Dismissal of a former Minister’s defamation action against the leader of an opposition political party for a document published on Facebook.
A.K. împotriva Rusiei, nr. 49014/16
Concedierea unei profesoare din cauza apariției, pe rețelele de socializare, a unor imagini ale acesteia pe care școala le-a considerat „imorale”.
Biba împotriva Albaniei, nr. 24228/18
Vătămare gravă suferită de fiul reclamantului în urma unui atac comis de alt elev la o școală privată în timpul unei pauze între ore.
Aydın Sefa Akay împotriva Turciei, nr. 59/17
Reținere și arestare preventivă, precum și percheziție domiciliară și corporală a unui judecător la o instanță internațională în pofida imunității diplomatice conferite prin statutul instanței respective, în urma tentativei de lovitură de stat din 15 iulie 2016, când Turcia a declarat starea de urgență.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Zăicescu and Fălticineanu v. Romania, no. 42917/16
Acquittal of two high-ranking military officials previously convicted of crimes connected with the Holocaust, in extraordinary appeal proceedings not disclosed to the applicants (Holocaust victims) or to the public.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland [GC], no. 53600/20
Lack of sufficient action to mitigate effects of climate change – complaints brought by a Swiss association of older women concerned about the consequences of global warming on their living conditions and health, as well as four individual women.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Moldovan v. Ukraine, no. 62020/14
Rejection of the applicant’s civil action for judicial recognition of a deceased person as his father.
Vagdalt v. Hungary, no. 9525/19
Inability to contest the declaration of paternity in respect of a biological child and to establish own paternity.
Wa Baile v. Switzerland, nos. 43868/18 and 25883/21
Racial profiling during an identity check of a dark-skinned man at Zurich's main train station.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Diaconeasa v. Romania, no. 53162/21
Withdrawal of the provision of a State-funded personal assistant for a physically disabled individual resulting in a severe loss of autonomy.
Ismayilzade v. Azerbaijan, no. 17780/18
Refusal to register forename chosen by applicant for her newborn child.
Nafornița v. the Republic of Moldova, no. 49066/12
Eviction from State-owned apartment after lengthy lawful residency.
Tena Arregui v. Spain, no. 42541/18
Interception and disclosure of applicant’s emails in the context of a political party monitoring one of its members.
M.L. împotriva Poloniei, nr. 40119/21
Interzicere a avortului bazat pe anomalii fetale ca urmare a modificărilor introduse de Curtea Constituțională. Aplicabilitate și fond.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Țîmpău v. Romania, no. 70267/17
Automatic termination of the employment of a lay teacher of Orthodox religion at a secondary public school after the withdrawal of her endorsement by a local Archbishop.
Wałęsa v. Poland, no. 50849/21
Reversal by the Supreme Court’s Chamber of Extraordinary Review and Public Affairs of a final civil defamation judgment in the applicant’s favour taken ten years earlier, following the Prosecutor General’s extraordinary appeal.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Gyulumyan and Others v. Armenia (dec.), no. 25240/20
Termination of the terms of office of Constitutional Court judges and its President, all appointed with life tenure, through non-judicially reviewable amendments in the context of a constitutional reform. Applicability.
Decision | Legal Summary
G.T.B. v. Spain, no. 3041/19
Positive obligation to facilitate birth registration of, and the obtention of identity documents by, a vulnerable minor in the case of parental negligence.
Judgment | Legal Summary
C.P. and M.N. v. France, nos. 56513/17 and 56515/17
Refusal of the domestic courts to examine the action of the applicant, claiming to be the biological father of a child, aiming to challenge the legally established paternity with a view to establishing his own.
I.V. v. Estonia, no. 37031/21
Unsuccessful attempt by a Latvian national to obtain the annulment of an Estonian court decision by which his biological son was adopted by the husband of the mother.
Gurbanov v. Armenia, no. 7432/17
Elapse of thirty-eight days before repatriation of the body of the applicant’s son, an Azerbaijani soldier, following his death during a shooting incident at the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.
A.A.K. împotriva Turciei, nr. 56578/11
Instituirea tutelei asupra reclamantei, în urma unei proceduri în care s-a constatat că aceasta suferă de o tulburare psihică ce îi afectează capacitatea de exercițiu.
Baret și Caballero împotriva Franței, nr. 22296/20 și 37138/20
Interzicerea reproducerii asistate medical post-mortem pe teritoriul național și a exportului de gameți și embrioni în acest scop către o altă țară.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
A și alții împotriva Italiei, nr. 17791/22
Pretinsă imposibilitate a unui tată, inclus într-un program de protecție a martorilor, de a-și exercita dreptul de vizitare față de copiii săi. Aplicabilitate și fond.
Gauvin-Fournis and Silliau v. France, nos. 21424/16 and 45728/17
Refusal to allow persons born through medically assisted reproduction involving a third-party donor to access information about that donor, under the rule guaranteeing anonymity in gamete donations.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Vinškovský v. the Czech Republic (dec.), no. 59252/19
Contact rights between a child and his former stepfather. Applicability and merits.
C v. Italy, no. 47196/21
Refusal to register details of a foreign birth certificate establishing a legal relationship between a child born through a surrogacy arrangement abroad and her biological father, as well as between the child and her intended mother.
Judgment | Legal Summary
D.H. and Others v. North Macedonia, no. 44033/17
Publication of sex workers' photographs, taken while in custody, on the Ministry of Interior’s website.
Semenya v. Switzerland, no. 10934/21 (pending before the GC)
Discrimination against a professional athlete who was required under non-State regulations to lower her natural testosterone level to compete in the women’s category in international competitions.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Calvi and C.G. v. Italy, no. 46412/21
Legal-protection measure imposed on an elderly person and his placement in nursing home in social isolation for three years.
Judgment | Legal Summary
B.F. și alții împotriva Elveției, nr. 13258/18 și alte 3
Respingere, pe motivul neîndeplinirii cerinței de independență financiară, a cererilor de reîntregire a familiei formulate de refugiați cu permise de ședere temporară.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Glukhin v. Russia, no. 11519/20
Processing of the applicant’s personal biometric data by using highly intrusive facial recognition technology in order to identify, locate and arrest him.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Negru v. the Republic of Moldova, no. 7336/11
Inclusion of the applicant on the list of wanted persons and disclosure of information and photo at a police station’s premises.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Margari împotriva Greciei, nr. 36705/16
Fotografii și date cu caracter personal ale unei acuzate publicate în presă la șase luni de la formularea acuzațiilor fără cunoștința și consimțământul prealabile ale acesteia.
A și B împotriva Franței, nr. 12482/21
Anulare, la cererea autorului, a recunoașterii paternității unui copil născut prin asistență medicală cu donare de gameți.
Nepomnyashchiy and Others v. Russia, nos. 39954/09 and 3465/17
Domestic authorities’ failure to respond adequately to homophobic statements made by state officials against members of the LGBTI community. Applicability and merits.
Ghadamian v. Switzerland, no. 21768/19
Refusal to issue a residence permit to an elderly alien, resident for more than 50 years in Switzerland, albeit unlawfully since 2002, on account of an unenforced decision to expel him after his convictions for serious criminal offences.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Alif Ahmadov și alții împotriva Azerbaidjanului, nr. 22619/14
Hotărâre de evacuare a unei familii din locuința lor și de demolare cu motivarea că este o construcție neautorizată, ridicată pe un teren aflat în proprietatea statului.