Articolul 1 din Protocolul nr. 1 - Protecția proprietății
Ghid privind jurisprudența
Actualizări de articole
Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.
Ioannides v. Cyprus, no. 32879/18
Lack of access to property located in the buffer zone and occupation of the applicant’s house by the UN Peacekeeping Force, based on the respondent State’s authorisation, and the latter’s refusal to pay her any rent in that respect.
UAB Profarma and UAB Bona Diagnosis v. Lithuania, nos. 46264/22 and 50184/22
Annulment of contracts between private companies and the State for the purchase of COVID-19 tests, and restitution by the companies of a substantial part of the sum received, which the State had overpaid.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Amerisoc Center S.R.L. v. Luxembourg, no. 50527/20
Lack of remedy by which to meaningfully challenge seizure of the applicant company’s Luxembourg bank assets following an international request for assistance by Peru as part of money-laundering proceedings.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Liste de cauze adnotate pe un subiect relevant pentru acest articol.
Temă(e)-cheie conexă(e) din alte pagini de articole / teme transversale
Materiale utile
Selecție de materiale de jurisprudență privind acest articol.
- Protection of property (no. CDH(76)36)
Linkuri utile
Selecție de site-uri web privind jurisprudența Curții.