Articolul 14 și articolul 1 din Protocolul nr. 12 - Interzicerea discriminării

Ghid privind jurisprudența

Ghidul privind jurisprudența oferă o prezentare de ansamblu a jurisprudenței Convenției cu privire la acest articol.
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Actualizări de articole

Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.

F.M. and Others v. Russia, nos. 71671/16 and 40190/18


Failure to protect irregular female migrant workers from human trafficking and servitude and to investigate the crimes committed against them.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Ferrero Quintana v. Spain, no. 2669/19


Refusal to recruit the applicant as a police officer due to him being older than the age limit of 35, even though he had passed all the examinations and had been found to be physically and intellectually fit for police service.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Bakradze v. Georgia, no. 20592/21


Insufficient judicial review of alleged discrimination of a former judge in competitions for judicial positions on account of her role in an NGO and her critical views of the state of the country’s judiciary.

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Liste de cauze adnotate pe un subiect relevant pentru acest articol.


Temă(e)-cheie conexă(e) din alte pagini de articole / teme transversale

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Selecție de site-uri web privind jurisprudența Curții.