Articolul 46 - Forța obligatorie și executarea hotărârilor
Ghid privind jurisprudența
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Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.
Petrović and Others v. Croatia, nos. 32514/22, 33284/22 and 15910/23
State required to take all appropriate measures to establish a mechanism providing individual redress to all parents in a situation such as, or sufficiently similar to, that of the applicants.
Beley v. Ukraine, no. 2705/20
Follow-up complaint about failure to effectively investigate allegations of ill-treatment, which raised new legal issues based on new factual developments since the Court’s previous finding of a procedural violation of Article 3, not precluded by Article 46.
Drozdyk and Mikula v. Ukraine, nos. 27849/15 and 33358/15
Invalidation of applicants’ titles to plots of land, which they used and owned for decades, as those lands fell within railway exclusion zones, without any compensation.
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