Articolul 34/35 - Cereri individuale și condiții de admisibilitate

Ghid privind jurisprudența

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Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.

Taganova and Others v. Georgia and Russia, nos. 18102/04 and 4 others


Article 35: complaints regarding property destroyed before the ratification of the Convention by the respondent State found to be incompatible ratione temporis; lack of access to property, over which the applicants had prima facie kept legal ownership, defined as a continuing situation falling within Court’s jurisdiction ratione temporis.

Ribár v. Slovakia, no. 56545/21


Article 35: failure to exhaust available and effective domestic remedies with respect to alleged violations stemming from statute that allows for discretion in its implementation.

M.T.S. and M.J.S. v. Portugal, no. 39848/19


Article 34: the first applicant’s locus standi to apply on behalf of her mother, the second applicant, confirmed the two Lambert criteria: (a) the risk that the direct victim would otherwise be deprived of effective protection of her rights, (b) and the absence of a conflict of interests between the victim and the applicant.

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