Toate temele-cheie
Liste de cauze adnotate pe o temă relevantă pentru acest articol/temă transversală.
Informații privind traducerile
Dacă nu se specifică altfel, traducerile într-o limbă neoficială nu sunt realizate de către Grefa Curții și aceasta nu verifică exactitatea sau calitatea lingvistică a acestora și nu este responsabilă de actualizarea lor. Aceste traduceri sunt publicate în CEDO-KS doar în scop informativ, iar Curtea nu își asumă nicio responsabilitate pentru calitatea sau conținutul acestora. Toate traducerile sunt protejate prin drepturi de autor și nu pot fi reproduse sau republicate în format electronic, tipărit sau în orice altă formă fără aprobarea prealabilă a titularului drepturilor de autor. În cazul în care doriți să reproduceți sau să republicați o traducere care nu conține nicio mențiune specifică privind drepturile de autor, vă rugăm să faceți o cerere de reproducere sau de republicare a unei traduceri.
Limbi oficiale
Limbi neoficiale
- Access to a lawyer (31/08/23)
- Admission criteria and entrance examinations (31/08/23)
- Arbitration (31/08/23)
- Constitutional court proceedings (31/08/23)
- Contributions to public debate: Journalists and other actors (31/08/23)
- Detention of migrant children (31/08/23)
- Discrimination and immigration (31/08/23)
- Discrimination in access to education (31/08/23)
- Discrimination through violence (31/08/23)
- Domestic violence (31/08/23)
- Filiation (31/08/23)
- Gender equality (31/08/23)
- Hate speech (31/08/23)
- Health and immigration (31/08/23)
- Health care in prison (31/08/23)
- Hearings via video link (31/08/23)
- International crimes (31/08/23)
- Medical negligence (31/08/23)
- Presence at the appeal hearing after the first instance acquittal (31/08/23)
- Presumption of innocence (31/08/23)
- Prisoners and discrimination (31/08/23)
- Protection against hate speech (31/08/23)
- Protection of the judiciary (28/02/23)
- Representation of the child before the ECHR (31/08/23)
- Right of the child to be heard in domestic proceedings on family matters (31/08/23)
- Suicide (31/08/23)
- Summary returns of migrants and/or asylum-seekers (pushbacks) (31/08/23)
- Surrogacy (31/08/23)
- Surveillance measures (31/08/23)
- The minimum level of severity test in light of Bouyid v. Belgium (31/08/23)
- The notion of deprivation of liberty (31/08/23)
- The rights of lawyers in the Court’s case-law (31/08/23)
- The right to private life protecting of limiting the role of public watchdogs (31/08/23)
- Victim status as regards Article 5 (domestic redress) (31/08/23)
- Waiver of the guarantees of a fair trial (31/08/23)
- Wearing of religious symbols in public areas (31/08/23)
- Discrimination in access to education (28/02/23)
- Absent witnesses and other restrictions on the right to examine witnesses (31/08/21)
- Access to a lawyer (04/01/21)
- Administration of (unlawfully obtained) evidence (30/04/21)
- Admission criteria and entrance examinations (17/09/21)
- Arbitration (21/05/21)
- Autonomy of religious organisations (01/10/21)
- Constitutional Court proceedings (01/06/21)
- Discrimination and immigration (19/03/21)
- Discrimination in access to education (08/01/19)
- Discrimination through violence (19/03/21)
- Domestic servitude (09/02/21)
- Domestic violence (20/09/21)
- Filiation (31/05/21)
- Gender equality (19/03/21)
- Hate speech (16/02/21)
- Health care in prison (31/08/21)
- Hearings via video link (31/08/21)
- International crimes (19/02/21)
- Mass protests and the right to a fair trial (30/04/21)
- Medical negligence (19/01/21)
- Nationality (01/09/21)
- Positive obligations of the State to protect journalists and journalistic activities (19/08/20)
- Presumption of innocence (31/08/21)
- Prisoners and discrimination (19/03/21)
- Protection against hate speech (16/02/21)
- Protection of judges (01/01/20)
- Representation of the child before the ECHR (07/07/21)
- Right of the child to be heard in domestic proceedings on family matters (01/09/20)
- Short-term detentions (30/04/21)
- Suicide (19/01/21)
- Surrogacy (01/09/20)
- Surveillance measures (12/08/21)
- The locus standi of relatives (indirect victims) (28/01/21)
- The locus standi of representatives (28/01/21)
- The minimum level of severity test in light of Bouyid v. Belgium (06/07/20)
- The right to private life protecting or limiting the role of public watchdogs (01/09/19)
- Waiver of the guarantees of a fair trial (31/08/21)
- Wearing of religious symbols in public areas (01/10/21)
- Absent witnesses and other restrictions on the right to examine witnesses (31/08/21)
- Access to a lawyer (04/01/21)
- Administration of (unlawfully obtained) evidence (30/04/21)
- Admission criteria and entrance examinations (17/09/21)
- Arbitration (21/05/21)
- Autonomy of religious organisations (15/05/18)
- Constitutional Court proceedings (01/06/21)
- Contributions to public debate: Journalists and other actors (18/08/20)
- Discrimination and immigration (19/03/21)
- Discrimination in access to education (08/01/19)
- Discrimination through violence (19/03/21)
- Domestic servitude (09/02/21)
- Domestic violence (20/09/21)
- Filiation (31/05/21)
- Gender equality (19/03/21)
- Hate speech (16/02/21)
- Health care in prison (31/08/21)
- Hearings via video link (31/08/21)
- International crimes (19/02/21)
- Mass protests and the right to a fair trial (30/04/21)
- Medical negligence (19/01/21)
- Nationality (01/09/21)
- Positive obligations of the State to protect journalists and journalistic activities (19/08/20)
- Presumption of innocence (31/08/21)
- Prisoners and discrimination (19/03/21)
- Protection against hate speech (16/02/21)
- Protection of the judiciary (01/01/20)
- Representation of the child before the ECHR (07/07/21)
- Right of the child to be heard in domestic proceedings on family matters (01/09/20)
- Short-term detentions (30/04/21)
- Suicide (19/01/21)
- Surrogacy (01/09/20)
- Surveillance measures (12/08/21)
- The locus standi of relatives (indirect victims) (28/01/21)
- The locus standi of representatives (28/01/21)
- The minimum level of severity test in light of Bouyid v. Belgium (06/07/20)
- The right to private life protecting or limiting the role of public watchdogs (01/09/19)
- Waiver of the guarantees of a fair trial (31/08/21)
- Wearing of religious symbols in public areas (11/05/18)
- Nationality (28/02/23)