Drepturile persoanelor private de libertate
Ghid privind jurisprudența
Actualizări de temă transversală
Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.
Adamčo v. Slovakia (no. 2), nos. 55792/20, 35253/21 and 41955/22
Thorough strip searches systematically carried out on a prisoner, regardless of other security arrangements in place.
Ribár v. Slovakia, no. 56545/21
Conditions of detention pending trial (esp. twenty-three-hour confinement to the applicant’s cell), which lasted approximately one and a half years and which was ordered, inter alia, to prevent the applicant from interfering with the course of justice.
Eldar Hasanov v. Azerbaijan, no. 12058/21
Inadequate medical treatment provided to a former Prosecutor General and former Ambassador for his illnesses while in detention during the period between his arrest and his first transfer to a prison medical facility.
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