Articolul 13 - Dreptul la un recurs efectiv (cale de atac efectivă)

Ghid privind jurisprudența

Ghidul privind jurisprudența oferă o prezentare de ansamblu a jurisprudenței Convenției cu privire la acest articol.
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Actualizări de articole

Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.

Haugen v. Norway, no. 59476/21


Lack of an effective remedy for failure to protect the life of the applicant’s son who suffered from psychiatric disorders and committed suicide in pre-trial detention in an ordinary prison unit.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Rizzo and Others v. Malta, no. 36318/21


Effectiveness of the Constitutional Court as a remedy following developments in domestic case-law relating to old rent laws.

Semenya v. Switzerland, no. 10934/21 (pending before the GC)


Discrimination against a professional athlete who was required under non-State regulations to lower her natural testosterone level to compete in the women’s category in international competitions.
Judgment | Legal Summary

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Liste de cauze adnotate pe un subiect relevant pentru acest articol.

Temă(e)-cheie conexă(e) din alte pagini de articole / teme transversale

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Materiale utile

Selecție de materiale de jurisprudență privind acest articol.

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Linkuri utile

Selecție de site-uri web privind jurisprudența Curții.