Articolul 13 - Dreptul la un recurs efectiv (cale de atac efectivă)

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Toate actualizările

Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.

Haugen v. Norway, no. 59476/21


Lack of an effective remedy for failure to protect the life of the applicant’s son who suffered from psychiatric disorders and committed suicide in pre-trial detention in an ordinary prison unit.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Rizzo and Others v. Malta, no. 36318/21


Effectiveness of the Constitutional Court as a remedy following developments in domestic case-law relating to old rent laws.

Semenya v. Switzerland, no. 10934/21 (pending before the GC)


Discrimination against a professional athlete who was required under non-State regulations to lower her natural testosterone level to compete in the women’s category in international competitions.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Panju v. Belgium (no. 2), no. 49072/21


Refusal of compensation for excessive length of criminal proceedings on the grounds that the non-pecuniary damage had been redressed by the subsequent declaration that the prosecution was inadmissible.
JudgmentLegal Summary

S.H. v. Malta, no. 37241/21


Refusal of applicant’s asylum requests without an assessment of his claim as to the risk faced on his return to Bangladesh given his reporting as a journalist of electoral irregularities.

Loste împotriva Franței, nr. 59227/12


Formalism excesiv în aplicarea termenului de prescripție de patru ani de către instanțele naționale.

P.C. v. Ireland, no. 26922/19


No full consideration of the Convention arguments raised by the applicant before the court.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Volodya Avetisyan v. Armenia, no. 39087/15


Ineffective domestic judicial remedies for complaints as to inadequate conditions of detention.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Verrascina and Others v. Italy, nos. 15566/13 and 5 others


Length of domestic proceedings and ineffectiveness of the compensatory remedy.

A.A. și alții împotriva Macedoniei de Nord, nr. 55798/16 și alte 4


Reclamanții nu beneficiază de posibilitatea legală de a contesta expulzarea din cauza comportamentului ilegal al acestora.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic

Toplak and Mrak v. Slovenia, nos. 34591/19 and 42545/19


Effective remedies for voters with disabilities.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Bara și Kola împotriva Albaniei, nr. 43391/18 și 17766/19


O nouă cale de atac privind durata procedurilor.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic

E.H. v. France, no. 39126/18


Effective remedies, with suspensive effect, to challenge the return of an asylum seeker.
Judgment | Legal Summary

D v. Bulgaria, no. 29447/17


Hasty return to Turkey of a journalist 24 hours after his arrest at the border.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Polgar v. Romania, no. 39412/19


New remedy after pilot judgment for inadequate conditions of detention and transport.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Titan Total Group S.R.L. v. the Republic of Moldova, no. 61458/08


Compensation remedy considered effective because of its non-excessive duration.

S.W. v. the United Kingdom, no. 87/18


Inability to claim damages for judicial act manifestly contrary to Convention.

Galan v. Italy (dec.), no. 63772/16


Decision adopted by Parliament in an electoral context and the scope of Article 13.
Decision | Legal Summary

Cauchi v. Malta, no. 14013/19


Aggregate remedies ineffective in a case concerning low amount of rent.

Mik și Jovanović împotriva Serbiei (dec.), nr. 9291/14 și 63798/14


Cadru juridic nou de instituire a unui mecanism de asigurare a unei căi de atac pentru toți părinții copiilor nou-născuți dispăruți.
Decizie | Rezumat juridic

Barbotin împotriva Franței, nr. 25338/16


Recurs compensatoriu în raport cu condițiile de detenție inumane; reparație insuficientă și obligarea deținutului la plata onorariului expertului, ajungând astfel debitor statului.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic

Roth v. Germany, nos. 6780/18 and 30776/18


​Refusal to grant compensation for non-pecuniary damage resulting from unlawful random strip searches of prisoner.
Judgment | Legal Summary

M.K. și alții împotriva Poloniei, nr. 40503/17, și alte 2


Lipsă a unei căi de atac cu efect suspensiv automat pentru solicitanții de azil.
HotărâreRezumat juridic

Dikaiou and Others v. Greece, no. 77457/13


Effectiveness of preventive and compensatory remedies concerning conditions of detention.

Mugemangango v. Belgium [GC], no. 310/15


Failure to provide effective remedy by which to challenge election results and seek recount.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Moustahi v. France, no. 9347/14


Remedies against expulsion rendered ineffective by rapidity of enforcement. No need for suspensive remedy in respect of mere practical arrangements for expulsion, a compensatory remedy being sufficient.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Vladimir Kharitonov v. Russia, no. 10795/14


Failure of courts to consider the substance of grievance or to examine lawfulness or proportionality of website blocking orders.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Asociația Innocence en Danger și asociația Enfance et Partage împotriva Franței, nr.  15343/15 și 16806/15


Necesitatea de a stabili o neglijență gravă în vederea angajării răspunderii statului pentru deficiențele din sistemul de justiție.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic

Beshiri împotriva Albaniei (dec.), nr. 29026/06


Neepuizarea unei noi căi de atac care permite repararea neexecutării hotărârilor definitive prelungite privind acordarea de despăgubiri pentru proprietățile expropriate în timpul regimului comunist.
DecizieRezumat juridic

Shmelev and Others v. Russia (dec.), nos. 41743/17 and 16 others


Newly introduced compensatory remedy for inadequate conditions of detention following a pilot judgment.
Decision | Legal Summary

N.D. and N.T. v. Spain [GC], nos. 8675/15 and 8697/15


Consequence of the applicants’ own illegal conduct on the right to an effective remedy.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Marshall și alții împotriva Maltei, nr. 79177/16


Eficacitate a unei proceduri de recurs constituțional.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic

Bastys împotriva Lituaniei, nr. 80749/17


Condiții pentru existența căii de atac interne efective.

Sukachov v. Ukraine, no. 14057/17


Effective remedies in conditions-of-detention cases.
Judgment | Legal Summary

J.M.B. and Others v. France, nos. 9671/15 and 31 others


Effective preventive remedy for inadequate conditions of detention linked to prison overcrowding.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Beizaras și Levickas împotriva Lituaniei, nr. 41288/15


Atitudini discriminatorii care afectează aplicarea efectivă a căilor de atac interne existente, care ridică o problemă separată în contextul art. 14.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic

X and Others v. Russia, nos. 66158/14 and 78042/16


No effective remedy under domestic law to put forward a complaint for malfunctioning of the justice system.

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