Articolul 11 - Libertatea de întrunire și de asociere

Ghid privind jurisprudența

Ghidul privind jurisprudența oferă o prezentare de ansamblu a jurisprudenței Convenției cu privire la acest articol.
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Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea Ghidului privind jurisprudența.

Central Unitaria de Traballadores/as v. Spain, no. 49363/20


Ban on a demonstration organised by the applicant trade union for 1 May 2020, during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the participants’ readiness to demonstrate in a convoy of cars and wearing masks and gloves.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Dianova and Others v. Russia, nos. 21286/15 and 4 others


Termination of a five-day hunger strike in a public space and ensuing administrative conviction for participation in an unauthorised “public event”.

Andrey Rylkov Foundation and Others v. Russia, nos. 37949/18 and 84 others


Designation of applicant NGOs as “undesirable” not “prescribed by law”, being both unforeseeable and arbitrary.

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