Articolul 11 - Libertatea de întrunire și de asociere
Toate actualizările
Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.
Almaz and Others v. Türkiye (dec.), nos. 55789/19 and 3 others
Disciplinary sanctions imposed on civil servants for participating in a one-day strike called by their union in protest against government practices, which were unrelated to the defence of their own professional interests.
Decision | Legal Summary
Kaya v. Türkiye (dec.), no. 51194/19
Disciplinary sanction imposed on a teacher for participating in a one-day strike called by the union in protest against a curfew in certain towns, which was unrelated to the defence of her own professional interests.
Central Unitaria de Traballadores/as v. Spain, no. 49363/20
Ban on a demonstration organised by the applicant trade union for 1 May 2020, during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the participants’ readiness to demonstrate in a convoy of cars and wearing masks and gloves.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Dianova and Others v. Russia, nos. 21286/15 and 4 others
Termination of a five-day hunger strike in a public space and ensuing administrative conviction for participation in an unauthorised “public event”.
Fundația Andrei Rilkov și alții împotriva Rusiei, nr. 37949/18 și alte 84
Desemnarea organizațiilor neguvernamentale reclamante ca „indezirabile” nu era prevăzută de lege, fiind atât imprevizibilă, cât și arbitrară.
Boronenkov împotriva Ucrainei (dec.), nr. 9987/14
Amendă de aproximativ 39 EUR aplicată reclamantului pentru organizarea unui miting public ilegal.
Asociația Persoanelor de Naționalitate Sileziană (în lichidare) împotriva Poloniei, nr. 26821/17
Dizolvarea și dispunerea lichidării asociației reclamante care utiliza „naționalitate sileziană” în denumirea sa.
Humpert and Others v. Germany [GC], nos. 59433/18, 59477/18, 59481/18 and 59494/18
Disciplinary sanctions on teachers with civil-servant status for participating during their working hours in strikes organised by their trade union, in breach of the constitutional ban on civil servants striking.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Laurijsen și alții împotriva Țărilor de Jos, nr. 56896/17 și alte 4
Arestarea și condamnarea reclamanților pentru participarea la un protest împotriva evacuării anunțate în prealabil a unei clădiri ocupate ilegal.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Internationale Humanitäre Hilfsorganisation e. V. v. Germany, no. 11214/19
Proscription of applicant association, entailing its dissolution and asset confiscation, due to considerable financial donations to charitable societies linked to the terrorist organisation Hamas.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Kaymak and Others v. Türkiye, no. 62239/12
Disciplinary sanctions imposed on civil servants for having set up a stand at a university to promote a trade union and distribute leaflets.
Kazan v. Türkiye, no. 58262/10
Decision ordering the applicant to pay, jointly with 45 other individuals, damages to reimburse medical expenses paid to police officers injured during a demonstration, despite being acquitted in criminal proceedings.
Pivkina and Others v. Russia (dec.), nos. 2134/23 and 6 others
Any restrictive measure taken against an applicant in connection with his or her expressive conduct constitutes an interference with his rights.
Decision | Legal Summary
Chkhartishvili v. Georgia, no. 31349/20
Custodial sentence imposed on an activist following his arrest at a peaceful demonstration.
Hoppen and trade union of AB Amber Grid employees v. Lithuania, no. 976/20
Alleged discriminatory dismissal of trade union leader on grounds of his union activities. |
Peradze and Others v. Georgia, no. 5631/16
Applicants’ arrest and conviction for an administrative offence of disorderly conduct during public demonstration, namely holding banners with a lewd slogan.
Çiçek and Others v. Türkiye, nos. 48694/10 and 4 others
Conviction and prison sentencing for taking part in demonstrations with clashes. Applicability and merits.
Makarașvili împotriva Georgiei, nr. 23158/20 și alte 2
Arestare și sancționare pentru refuzul de a elibera drumul care duce la intrarea în Parlament. Aplicabilitate și fond.
Association of Civil Servants and Union for Collective Bargaining v. Germany, nos. 815/18 and 4 others
Legislation regulating trade union collective agreements.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Ecodefence and Others v. Russia, nos. 9988/13 and 60 others
Application of Foreign Agents Act to non-governmental organisations and their directors.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Taganrog LRO and Others v. Russia, nos. 32401/10 and 19 others
Policy of intolerance by authorities against Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Straume v. Latvia, no. 59402/14
Reprisal measures and dismissal in reaction to a letter signed as trade-union chair on behalf of the Trade Union.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Yeşiller ve Sol Gelecek Partisi v. Turkey, no. 41955/14
Political party refused to hold a congress in certain towns.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Vlahov v. Croatia, no. 31163/13
Criminal conviction of trade union representative for not admitting would-be members to join.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Silgir v. Turkey, no. 60389/10
Prison sentence for having brandished a poster with a photograph of A. Öcalan during a march along an unauthorised route.
Bumbeș v. Romania, no. 18079/15
Activist fined for a short and peaceful gathering, without prior notice, after handcuffing, with three other persons, to a government barrier in protest against a mining project.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Ekrem Can and Others v. Turkey, no. 10613/10
Non-violent protest in a courthouse disturbing the orderly administration of the public service.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Barış and Others v. Turkey (dec.), nos. 66828/16 and 31 others
Applicability: a strike action undertaken outside trade union activity.
Decision | Legal Summary
Yakut Republican Trade-Union Federation v. Russia, no. 29582/09
Applicability: working prisoners and the right to join and form trade unions.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Yefimov and Youth Human Rights Group v. Russia, nos. 12385/15 and 51619/15
Requirement to remove person suspected of an extremist offence from participation in the applicant association and subsequent dissolution.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Centre of Societies for Krishna Consciousness in Russia and Frolov v. Russia, no. 37477/11
Refusal to allow peaceful public religious events.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Barseghian împotriva Armeniei, nr. 17804/09
Invocarea situației din capitală pentru a justifica o interzicere generală a întrunirilor într-un alt oraș.
Savenko and Others v. Russia, no. 13918/06
Dissolution of an association for non-compliance with formal requirements and refusal to register a political party.
Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) and Norwegian Transport Workers’ Union (NTF) v. Norway, no. 45487/17
Ruling finding union boycott unlawful under EEA law. Applicability and merits.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Asociația ACCEPT și altele împotriva României, nr. 19237/16
Întreruperea unei proiecții de film, reprogramată la o dată ulterioară de către asociația reclamantă.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Shmorgunov and Others v. Ukraine, nos. 15367/14 and 13 others
Deliberate strategy to stop initially peaceful protest through excessive force resulting in escalation of violence and multiple abuses by non-State agents hired by police. Applicability and merits.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Croatian Golf Federation v. Croatia, no. 66994/14
Dissolution of applicant association due to bankruptcy proceedings against it, despite agreement in those proceedings to restructure, preserve and continue its activities.
Berkman împotriva Rusiei, nr. 46712/15
Încălcarea de către poliție a obligației pozitive de a asigura desfășurarea în mod pașnic a evenimentului LGBTI care a fost perturbat de contra-manifestanți.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Navalnyy and Gunko v. Russia, no. 75186/12
Arrest and conviction for administrative offences during a rally.
The Religious Denomination of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Bulgaria v. Bulgaria, no. 5301/11
Measures by municipality and court decisions preventing construction of a house of worship on its own land.
Zakharov and Varzhabetyan v. Russia, nos. 35880/14 and 75926/17
Police brutality against peaceful participants of a political rally.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Ayoub și alții împotriva Franței, nr. 77400/14 și alte 2
Dizolvarea unei asociații de tip paramilitar de extremă dreaptă în urma violențelor și tulburărilor de ordine publică săvârșite de membri ai acesteia.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Laguna Guzman împotriva Spaniei, nr. 41462/17
Protestatar rănit în timpul dispersării în forță de către poliție a unei adunări informale după demonstrație.
Yordanovi v. Bulgaria, no. 11157/11
Criminal proceedings vis-à-vis attempt to set up political party on religious basis.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Adana Tayad împotriva Turciei, nr. 59835/10
Dizolvare a unei asociații pentru motivul că unii membri ai consiliului de administrație al acesteia au desfășurat activități ilegale, anterior pronunțării unei hotărâri definitive referitoare la infracțiunile respective.
Hakim Aydın v. Turkey, no. 4048/09
Unlawful detention following a number of peaceful public events in a campaign for the use of mother tongue in education.
Kemal Çetin v. Turkey, no. 3704/13
Criminal conviction of the organiser of a demonstration for the actions of certain participants.
Ignatencu and the Romanian Communist Party (PCR) v. Romania, no. 78635/13
Refusal to register a political party declaring itself as the successor to the communist party dissolved in 1989 for imposing a totalitarian regime.
Judgment | Legal Summary