Articolul 6 (aspectul civil) - Dreptul la un proces echitabil

Ghid privind jurisprudența

Ghidul privind jurisprudența oferă o prezentare de ansamblu a jurisprudenței Convenției cu privire la acest articol.
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Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea Ghidului privind jurisprudența.

Moskalj v. Croatia, no. 60272/21


Domestic courts’ decision to award the applicant compensation for the excessive length of proceedings but to refuse to award her the costs of her legal representation, which exceeded the amount of the compensation.

Fabbri and Others v. San Marino [GC], nos. 6319/21 and 2 others


Complaint by victims of alleged offences participating in criminal proceedings that the investigating judge’s inaction led to the charges becoming time-barred, which resulted in the non-adjudication of their civil claims.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Tsulukidze and Rusulashvili v. Georgia, nos. 44681/21 and 17256/22


Participation of judge on Supreme Court three-member panels rejecting applicants’ respective claims, his judicial assistant being the daughter of the lawyer representing the respondent company.
Judgment | Legal Summary

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