Articolul 6 (aspectul civil) - Dreptul la un proces echitabil
Ghid privind jurisprudența
Actualizări de articole
Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.
Cavca v. the Republic of Moldova, no. 21766/22
Disciplinary proceedings against a public official resulting in his dismissal after being allegedly incited by an undercover State agent to accept a bribe as part of a professional integrity test.
Zafferani and Others v. San Marino, nos. 38127/22 and 6 others
Legislative intervention through the enactment and immediate retrospective application of a new law to pending proceedings, regarding the applicants’ career reconstruction for the purposes of their employment in the military.
X and Others v. Slovenia, nos. 27746/22 and 28291/22
Assignment of the applicants’ case to a particular judge in flagrant violation of domestic legislation, contrary to objective pre-established criteria and the principle of randomness in the assignment of cases.
Liste de cauze adnotate pe un subiect relevant pentru acest articol.
Materiale utile
Selecție de materiale de jurisprudență privind acest articol.
- Right to a fair trial (no. CDH(68)3), Tome 1
- Right to a fair trial (no. CDH(68)3), Tome 2
- Right to a fair trial (no. DH(56)11)
Linkuri utile
Selecție de site-uri web privind jurisprudența Curții.
- Compilation of Venice Commission opinions and reports (Venice Commission)