Articolul 2 din Protocolul nr. 7 - Dreptul la două grade de jurisdicție în materie penală
Toate actualizările
Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.
Y. B. v. Russia, no. 71155/17
No hearing on a request for reinstating the time-limit for appeal against in absentia conviction.
Saquetti Iglesias v. Spain, no. 50514/13
The criteria for characterising an offence as "minor", the exceptions under Article 2, paragraph 2 and review by a Constitutional Court. Applicability and merits.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Rostovtsev v. Ukraine, no. 2728/16
Refusal, owing to unforeseeable application of rules of criminal procedure, of leave to appeal against conviction.
Judgment | Legal Summary