Articolul 4 din Protocolul nr. 7 - Dreptul de a nu fi judecat sau pedepsit de două ori
Toate actualizările
Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.
C.Y. v. Belgium, no. 19961/17
Parallel criminal and administrative proceedings for having declared to the compulsory health care and compensation insurance services not provided and services not in compliance with the law.
Vasile Sorin Marin v. Romania, no. 17412/16
Duplication of proceedings, through an administrative fine and criminal proceedings, for socially offensive conduct that disturbed public order.
Goulandris and Vardinogianni v. Greece, no. 1735/13
Duplication of proceedings, through an administrative fine and criminal proceedings, for constructing stone walls in breach of building permit.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Stăvilă v. Romania, no. 23126/16
Reopening of criminal proceedings and conviction for road traffic offence based on same case file without new evidence.
W.A. v. Switzerland, no. 38958/16
Limited reopening proceedings leading to subsequent preventive detention order for the same offences.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Galović v. Croatia, no. 45512/11
Dual proceedings in the context of domestic violence.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Matijašić împotriva Croației (dec.), nr. 38771/15
Aplicabilitate: puncte de penalizare pentru infracțiuni privind circulația pe drumurile publice și interdicția de a conduce accesorie.
Timofeyev and Postupkin v. Russia, nos. 45431/14 and 22769/15
Applicability: administrative surveillance for preventive purposes, after convicted persons have served their sentences.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Sabalić v. Croatia, no. 50231/13
The notion of "fundamental defect" in the proceedings, within the meaning of paragraph 2 of this Article.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Bajčić împotriva Croației, nr. 67334/13
Dreptul de a nu fi judecat sau condamnat de două ori într-o cauză având ca obiect o infracțiune privind circulația pe drumurile publice.
Prina v. Romania (dec.), no. 37697/13
Applicability: two penalties for acts by a public servant: an administrative fine and a suspended prison sentence.
Velkov v. Bulgaria, no. 34503/10
Hooligan convicted twice of the same offence of breaching the peace during a football match. Applicability and merits.
Ghoumid and Others v. France, nos. 52273/16 and 4 others
Applicability: deprivation of nationality on the basis of old terrorism conviction.
Judgment | Legal Summary