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Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.

Casarini v. Italy (dec.), no. 25578/11


Alleged failure of the State to prevent the misuse and abuse, by the Revenue Police and by various other entities, of personal data stored in the Taxpayer Information Service database.
Decision | Legal Summary

Le Marrec v. France (dec.), no. 52319/22


Collection and use of applicant’s IP address during his log-on to the website of the Family Allowances Office, disclosing his location.
Decision | Legal Summary

A.P. împotriva Armeniei, nr. 58737/14


Publicarea numelui complet al reclamantului și a adresei sale împreună cu texte integrale ale hotărârilor judecătorești prin care s-a respins acțiunea sa civilă în despăgubiri pentru abuz sexual.
Hotărâre | Hotărâre

Pietrzak and Bychawska-Siniarska and Others v. Poland, nos. 72038/17 and 25237/18


Inadequate safeguards against arbitrariness and abuse in legislation on measures for secret surveillance, retention of and access to communications data.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Borislav Toncev împotriva Bulgariei, nr. 40519/15


Păstrarea pe termen nelimitat a datelor privind sancțiunea administrativă alternativă aplicată reclamantului.

Moldovan v. Ukraine, no. 62020/14


Rejection of the applicant’s civil action for judicial recognition of a deceased person as his father.

L.F. împotriva Franței (dec.), nr. 3866/20 și 9292/20


Respingere a cererii de a elimina datele cu caracter personal din dosarul penal (înregistrări conținând plângerile penale anterioare ale reclamantului) și imposibilitate de a obține ștergerea anticipată a datelor respective.

Podchasov v. Russia, no. 33696/19


Statutory requirement to provide law-enforcement authorities access to communications data and to decrypt encrypted communications.

Ramadan v. France (dec.), no. 23443/23


Disclosure of the identity of the victim of an alleged rape, by the presumed perpetrator, pending criminal proceedings against him.

N.F. and Others v. Russia, nos. 3537/15 and 8 others


Processing of the applicants’ personal data in respect of discontinued criminal proceedings or criminal convictions that have been lifted or became spent.

Hurbain v. Belgium [GC], no. 57292/16


Newspaper publisher ordered to anonymise the online archived version of a lawful article published twenty years earlier, on grounds of the “right to be forgotten”.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Burando Holding B.V. and Port Invest B.V. v. the Netherlands, nos. 3124/16 and 3205/16 (pending before the GC)


​Transmission and use in competition law proceedings of data lawfully obtained through telephone tapping in criminal investigations.
JudgmentLegal Summary

Janssen de Jong Groep B.V. and Others v. the Netherlands, no. 2800/16 (pending before the GC)


Transmission and use in competition law proceedings of data lawfully obtained through telephone tapping in criminal investigations.
JudgmentLegal Summary

Ships Waste Oil Collector B.V. v. the Netherlands, no. 2799/16 (pending before the GC)


​Transmission and use in competition law proceedings of data lawfully obtained through telephone tapping in criminal investigations.
JudgmentLegal Summary

Jehovah’s Witnesses v. Finland, no. 31172/19


​Decision prohibiting Jehovah’s Witnesses religious community from collecting and processing personal data during door-to-door preaching without data subjects’ consent.
JudgmentLegal Summary

L.B. împotriva Ungariei (MC), nr. 36345/16


Publicare a datelor de identificare ale reclamantului pe portalul web al autorității fiscale.
HotărâreRezumat juridic

Mitov and Others v. Bulgaria (dec.), no. 80857/17


Journalists' access to judicial information on court's online database. Applicability of Article 10.
DecisionLegal Summary

Florindo de Almeida Vasconcelos Gramaxo v. Portugal, no. 26968/16


Use of GPS data on a medical representative’s company vehicle as grounds for dismissal. Applicability and merits.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Drelon v. France, nos. 3153/16 and 27758/18


Collection and retention of personal data concerning blood donor candidate.  
Judgment | Legal Summary

Y.G. v. Russia, no. 8647/12


Disclosure of applicant’s health data through a database made available for sale to the public in a market.
Judgment | Legal Summary 

M.D și alții împotriva Spaniei, nr. 36584/17


Raport al poliției privind un grup de judecători în funcție care au semnat un manifest privind „dreptul de a decide” al poporului catalan, constând în informații parțial extrase din baza de date de identificare a poliției.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic

Haščák v. Slovakia, nos. 58359/12 and 2 others


Surveillance operation by national intelligence service and the protection of those randomly affected.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Mediengruppe Österreich GmbH împotriva Austriei, nr. 37713/18


Interdicție impusă unui ziar de a publica o fotografie cu textul „neo-nazist condamnat”, la 20 de ani de la condamnarea reclamantului, fotografie care între timp a fost ștearsă.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic

Nuh Uzun and Others v. Turkey, nos. 49341/18 and 13 others


The uploading of prisoners’ correspondence to a judicial IT server.

Šeks v. Croatia, no. 39325/20


Denial of access to classified presidential records on national security grounds.
Judgment | Legal Summary  

Adomaitis împotriva Lituaniei, nr. 14833/18


Interceptarea convorbirilor telefonice de către serviciile de informații în cursul unei anchete penale și divulgare a elementelor obținute în cursul procedurii disciplinare, având ca efect concedierea.

Ekimdzhiev and Others v. Bulgaria, no. 70078/12


Secret surveillance regime, retention of communications data by communications service providers and accessing of retained data by the authorities.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Samoylova v. Russia, no. 49108/11


Disclosure on TV of applicant’s address, tax identification number, images of house interior and declared income. Applicability and merits.  
Judgment | Legal Summary

Standard Verlagsgesellschaft mbH v. Austria (no. 3), no. 39378/15


Anonymous authors of online comments and duty of the host provider, a media company, to disclose their personal data.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Biancardi împotriva Italiei, nr. 77419/16


Articol care conținea date cu caracter personal și care nu se referea la o persoană publică sau politică, accesibil în continuare pe Internet.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic

Särgava v. Estonia, no. 698/19


The protection of privileged digitally stored data of a lawyer pursued for acts in another capacity.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Vasil Vasilev v. Bulgaria, no. 7610/15


The quality of the law regarding accidentally intercepted lawyer-client communications.

Willems v. the Netherlands (dec.), no. 57294/16


Storage of digitised fingerprints in a database when applying for a passport.  

Stokłosa v. Poland (dec.), no. 68562/14


Disclosure by trial judge of applicant's illness at a public hearing.

Volodina v. Russia (no. 2), no. 40419/19


Online violence including non-consensual publication of intimate photographs.
Judgment | Legal Summary

M.P. împotriva Portugaliei, nr. 27516/14 


Soț care a accesat e-mailurile soției sale și le-a prezentat ca probe în cadrul procedurii de separare.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic

Akgün împotriva Turciei, nr. 19699/18


Acuzații de terorism bazate pe folosirea unui serviciu de mesaje criptate.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic

Zoltán Varga v. Slovakia, nos. 58361/12 and 2 others


Surveillance operation by intelligence service and collection of material.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Hájovský v. Slovakia, no. 7796/16


Publication of private information and non-blurred images of private individual, taken covertly and under false pretences.
Judgment | Legal Summary

J.L. v. Italy, no. 5671/16


Disclosure in the context of judicial proceedings of elements of private and intimate life of the victim.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Big Brother Watch și alții împotriva Regatului Unit (MC), nr. 58170/13, 62322/14 și 24960/15


Interceptare în masă a comunicațiilor transfrontaliere. Primire de informații de la servicii de informații străine. Obținerea datelor transmise în cadrul comunicațiilor de la furnizorii de servicii de comunicații.
Hotărâre| Rezumat juridic

Centrum för rättvisa v. Sweden [GC], no. 35232/08


Bulk interception of cross-border communications and safeguards against abuse.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Liebscher împotriva Austriei, nr. 5434/17


Date privind soluționarea divorțului referitoare la finanțe, venituri și proprietăți, încredințarea și locul de reședință al copiilor, care urmează să fie stocate într-un registru oficial accesibil publicului. Aplicabilitate și fond.

Sedletska v. Ukraine, no. 42634/18


Judicial authorisation of access to the phone data of a journalist (protection of journalistic sources).

M.C. împotriva Regatului Unit, nr. 51220/13


Divulgare a cazierului judiciar al reclamantului.

Mik și Jovanović împotriva Serbiei (dec.), nr. 9291/14 și 63798/14


Mecanism (inclusiv bază de date ADN) de stabilire a situației reale și de asigurare a unei căi de atac pentru toți părinții copiilor nou-născuți dispăruți.
Decizie | Rezumat juridic

Yuriy Chumak v. Ukraine, no. 23897/10


Denial of access to restricted presidential decrees. Applicability and merits.

Hassine v. Romania, no. 36328/13


Expulsion on national-security grounds and the protection of procedural rights.

Gawlik v. Liechtenstein, no. 23922/19


Dismissal of doctor for accusing colleague of active euthanasia.
Judgment | Legal Summary

Frâncu v. Romania, no. 69356/13


Protection of medical data in the context of a pre-trial detention of a public figure.
Judgment | Legal Summary

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