Protestele în masă
Toate actualizările
Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.
Eckert v. France, no. 56270/21
Applicant convicted and fined for participating in a demonstration (‘gilets jaunes’) despite an express prohibition of demonstrations in specific places and at a specific time.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Central Unitaria de Traballadores/as v. Spain, no. 49363/20
Ban on a demonstration organised by the applicant trade union for 1 May 2020, during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the participants’ readiness to demonstrate in a convoy of cars and wearing masks and gloves.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Geylani and Others v. Türkiye, no. 10443/12
Use of a water cannon by the police to disperse a peaceful demonstration resulting in injury to one of the applicants from being hit by pressurised water.
Çiçek and Others v. Türkiye, nos. 48694/10 and 4 others
Conviction and prison sentencing for taking part in demonstrations with clashes. Applicability and merits.
Makarașvili împotriva Georgiei, nr. 23158/20 și alte 2
Arestare și sancționare pentru refuzul de a elibera drumul care duce la intrarea în Parlament. Aplicabilitate și fond.
Bumbeș v. Romania, no. 18079/15
Activist fined for a short and peaceful gathering, without prior notice, after handcuffing, with three other persons, to a government barrier in protest against a mining project.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Ekrem Can and Others v. Turkey, no. 10613/10
Prison sentence for involvement in non-violent, albeit disruptive, protest inside a courthouse.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Manannikov împotriva Rusiei, nr. 9157/08
Amendă aplicată unui contramanifestant pentru afișarea, în mijlocul mulțimii oponenților, a unui banner provocator în pofida ordinului poliției.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Dareskizb Ltd. v. Armenia, no. 61737/08
Massive post-election protests and state of emergency.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Shmorgunov and Others v. Ukraine, nos. 15367/14 and 13 others
Deliberate strategy to stop initially peaceful protest through excessive force resulting in escalation of violence and multiple abuses by non-State agents hired by police. Applicability and merits.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Berkman împotriva Rusiei, nr. 46712/15
Conduita poliției față de contra-manifestanți în timpul evenimentului LGBTI.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Navalnyy and Gunko v. Russia, no. 75186/12
Arrest and conviction for administrative offences during a rally.
İmrek v. Turkey, no. 45975/12
Imputability of acts of demonstrators to organisers.
Zakharov and Varzhabetyan v. Russia, nos. 35880/14 and 75926/17
Police brutality against peaceful participants of a political rally.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Laguna Guzman împotriva Spaniei, nr. 41462/17
Protestatar rănit în timpul dispersării în forță de către poliție a unei adunări informale după demonstrație.
Hakim Aydın v. Turkey, no. 4048/09
Unlawful detention following a number of peaceful public events in a campaign for the use of mother tongue in education.
Kemal Çetin v. Turkey, no. 3704/13
Criminal conviction of the organiser of a demonstration for the actions of certain participants.