Toate actualizările
Cauze selectate pentru actualizarea ghidului privind jurisprudența.
M.B. v. France, no. 31913/21
Administrative control and surveillance of the applicant, considered as a potential threat in connection with terrorism.
Yasak v. Türkiye, no. 17389/20 (pending before the GC)
Conviction for membership of an armed terrorist organisation on account of activities carried out in secret by a senior officer of the organisation.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Domenjoud v. France, nos. 34749/16 and 79607/17
Preventive home-curfew order – issued under state-of-emergency legislation following terrorist attacks – against applicants suspected of participation in violent actions during an international summit on climate change.
Judgment | Legal Summary
al-Hawsawi v. Lithuania, no. 6383/17
Inhuman treatment and unacknowledged, incommunicado detention of a terrorist suspect during CIA extraordinary rendition operations.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Aviz consultativ privind posibilitatea ca unei persoane să i se refuze autorizația de a lucra ca agent de securitate sau de pază din cauza apropierii sau apartenenței sale la o mișcare religioasă (MC), nr. P16-2023-001
Refuzarea autorizației de a lucra ca agent de securitate sau de pază din cauza apropierii sau apartenenței la o mișcare religioasă.
Aviz Consultativ | Rezumat juridic
Internationale Humanitäre Hilfsorganisation e. V. v. Germany, no. 11214/19
Proscription of applicant association, entailing its dissolution and asset confiscation, due to considerable financial donations to charitable societies linked to the terrorist organisation Hamas.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Yüksel Yalçınkaya v. Türkiye [GC], no. 15669/20
Conviction for membership of an armed terrorist organisation based decisively on the use of an encrypted messaging application.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Pagerie v. France, no. 24203/16
Preventive compulsory residence order further to terrorist attacks. Applicability and merits.
Judgment | Legal Summary
S.L. v. Romania (dec.), no. 52693/12
Failure by lawyer to obtain a certificate granting access to the secret documents underlying the exclusion measure issued against the applicant on the grounds of national security.
Decision | Legal Summary
Mørck Jensen v. Denmark, no. 60785/19
Conviction for entering and staying, without permission, in areas in which a terrorist organisation is a party to an ongoing armed conflict.
Judgment | Legal Summary
H.F. and Others v. France [GC], nos. 24384/19 and 44234/20
Refusal to repatriate nationals held with their children in Kurdish-run camps after the fall of “Islamic State”.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Ete v. Türkiye, no. 28154/20
Conviction for propagandising for a terrorist organisation for cutting and handing out slices of cake in celebration of PKK leader’s birthday.
Judgment | Legal Summary
W v. France, no. 1348/21
Risks surrounding expulsion order due to content of information transmitted to receiving State’s authorities.
Rouillan v. France, no. 28000/19
Prison sentence of former terrorist for praising perpetrators in the context of recent and deadly terrorist attacks.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Johansen v. Denmark (dec.), no. 27801/19
Revocation of citizenship of dual national after conviction.
Atristain Gorosabel împotriva Spaniei, nr. 15508/15
Folosirea, în cursul procesului, a declarației inițiale de recunoaștere a vinovăției a unei persoane suspectate de terorism care era deținută incommunicado și căreia nu i s-a acordat acces nici la un avocat ales, nici la un avocat din oficiu.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Sassi and Benchellali v. France, nos. 10917/15 and 10941/15
Statements given by applicants to French authorities on US base at Guantánamo.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Carter v. Russia, no. 20914/07
Targeted poisoning of a political defector and dissident abroad.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Z.B. v. France, no. 46883/15
Conviction for having dressed a child with a T-Shirt glorifying terrorism.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Akgün împotriva Turciei, nr. 19699/18
Lipsa unui „motiv verosimil de a bănui” apartenența la o organizație teroristă.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Erkizia Almandoz v. Spain, no. 5869/17
Speech during ceremony paying tribute to a member of the ETA terrorist organisation.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Big Brother Watch și alții împotriva Regatului Unit (MC), nr. 58170/13, 62322/14 și 24960/15
Interceptare în masă a comunicațiilor transfrontaliere și primire de informații de la servicii de informații străine.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Centrum för rättvisa v. Sweden [GC], no. 35252/08
Bulk interception of cross-border communications.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Bişar Ayhan și alții împotriva Turciei, nr. 42329/11 și 47319/11
Folosirea de mortiere de către soldații din apropierea frontierei asupra unor presupuși teroriști care au trecut ilegal printr-o zonă militară interzisă.
K.I. v. France, no. 5560/19
Order for deportation to Russia of Chechen refugee, after status revoked on grounds of terrorism conviction, without fresh and up-to-date assessment of risks.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Ribcheva and Others v. Bulgaria, nos. 37801/16 and 2 others
Death of an officer of an anti-terrorist squad in the course of a police operation, by the person the squad sought to arrest, and the ensuing investigations.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Yaygin v. Turkey (dec.), no. 12254/20
Organized crime, anonymous witness and pre-trail detention.
Timofeyev and Postupkin v. Russia, nos. 45431/14 and 22769/15
Administrative surveillance for preventive purposes, after convicted persons have served their sentences.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Ayetullah Ay împotriva Turciei, nr. 29084/07 și 1191/08
Proces penal pentru terorism, cu susțineri privind producerea de probe nereale și alte nereguli procedurale.
Muhammad and Muhammad v. Romania [GC], no. 80982/12
Expulsion of Pakistani nationals suspected of terrorism.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Karastelev and Others v. Russia, no. 16435/10
Issue of warnings, cautions and orders under “anti-extremism” legislation.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Grubnyk v. Ukraine, no. 58444/15
Law limiting courts' powers to release terrorism suspects in pre-trial detention. Delay in the drawing up of the arrest report. Arrest without a prior court decision.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Ghoumid and Others v. France, nos. 52273/16 and 4 others
Deprivation of nationality on the basis of a conviction for a terrorism offence committed over ten years earlier.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Castellani v. France, no. 43207/16
Use of force by special armed intervention police unit wearing helmets and carrying shields during arrest of suspect very early in the morning at his home.
Baş împotriva Turciei, nr. 66448/17
Privare de libertate bazată pe simpla suspiciune de apartenență la o organizație ilegală.
Hotărâre | Rezumat juridic
Breyer v. Germany, no. 50001/12
Storage of pre-paid SIM card users’ data by telecommunications companies in the interest of national security.
Judgment | Legal Summary
Vinks and Ribicka v. Latvia, no. 28926/10
Early morning raid by anti-terrorist police unit at applicants’ home to carry out a search in the context of economic crimes.
Judgment | Legal Summary