Guidelines on preventing and remedying violations of the European Convention on Human Rights

Hemicycle of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe

The Committee of Ministers today adopted a set of guidelines aimed at assisting the 46 Council of Europe member states in their efforts to comply with their obligations to secure to everyone, within their jurisdiction, the rights and freedoms defined in the European Convention on Human Rights. 

First, the guidelines focus on preventing violations through effective national implementation of the Convention, by means of extending awareness-raising of, and training on, the Convention system, improving domestic remedies, facilitating the domestic application of the Convention and relevant case law of the Court, improving verification of the compliance of draft laws, existing laws and administrative practices with the Convention, improving parliamentary involvement, strengthening the role of National Human Rights Institutions and civil society organisations, promoting experience sharing, enhancing co-operation programmes with the Council of Europe and considering the ratification of Protocol No. 16 to the Convention (concerning requests for advisory opinions).

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